

The Benefits of Dance Fitness: A Fun and Effective Home Workout
The Benefits of Dance Fitness: A Fun and Effective Home Workout If you’re looking for a fun, engaging, and effective way to stay fit, dance fitness might be the perfect […]
Dance fitness class smiling while listening to music
Why You Need to Listen To Music While You Workout
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Listening to music while working out is the ultimate game-changer. For our PlyoJam routines, you will always catch us playing a fun song. For most workouts, you can listen to […]
8 At Home Workout Essentials (that you need!)
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There is nothing quite like working out at home. You avoid the crowds from a traditional gym setting, can listen to music as loud as you want, and are able […]
PlyoJam instructors working out in group
5 Online Dance Fitness Workouts (30 minutes or less!)
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Our dance instructors love creating new virtual dance fitness videos on our YouTube channel for every person to enjoy. YouTube is free and accessible, making working out at home easy! […]
Open journal and coffee
How to Start a Fitness Journal
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So, you are excited to begin your new dance fitness routine! If you are a person that loves planning out your weeks and staying organized, why not start a fitness […]
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