A a PlyoJam Master Trainer, you are responsible for bringing all the enthusiasm, skill and passion for PlyoJam to your trainees. You are an ambassador of the PlyoJam brand and we trust you to whole heartedly convey our mission and our brand.
By the time you conduct your first training, you will understand our history, our goals and what makes PlyoJam so amazingly unique and special.
We expect the following from our Master Trainers:
- Master Trainers must adhere to the guidelines, rules and choreography provided by PlyoJam HQ.
- Master Trainer must hold their first training within 4 months of onboarding.
- Master Trainers are required to conduct a minimum of 2 trainings per year to maintain free access to instructor and master trainer portal.
- We expect Master Trainers to conduct themselves in a professional, appropriate and positive way at all times.
- We expect Master Trainers to be consistent PlyoJam ambassadors on Social Media and in person.
- If Master Trainers behave in any way deemed inappropriate or damaging to the PlyoJam brand, the position will be revoked immediately.
- Must maintain current CPR, First Aid and a nationally recognized fitness certification (ACE, AFAA, ACSM, NASM)
- Must hold personal liability insurance.