We already know you’re a bad ass, but here are a few things to keep in mind…
We already know you’re a bad ass, but here are a few things to keep in mind…

We expect our ambassadors to be positive, glowing, inclusive fitness enthusiasts who believe fitness is meant for all and that every person deserves to feel strong, sexy and fierce.
We expect our ambassadors to represent the PlyoJam program accurately and with integrity.
We expect our ambassadors to be influential and sophisticated in conveying a message to their followers.
We expect our ambassadors to have an engaged and interested social media following.
We expect our ambassadors to be transparent and honest.
You will have access to our online membership for 30 days. Within those 30 days, you are expected to post your discount code a minimum of two separate times. We would encourage you to post more frequently, but the expectation is a to post a minimum of two times during the thirty day period.
You will have access to our online membership for a full year. You are expected to post your discount code a minimum of four separate times per month. We would encourage you to post more frequently, but the expectation is a minimum of four times per month. If posting expectations are not met, access to online class membership will be lost.