How a Dance-Based Fitness Class Can Help Couples Get Fit

POSTED ON May 2nd, 2019 By article about how couples get fit with PlyoJam

PlyoJam is an energized and intense dance workout that blends jumping exercises with short, explosive hip-hop moves. This uniquely engaging fitness program began in California in 2012 and has been sweeping the nation with its party-like online classes. If you want to lose weight with a partner, PlyoJam can make sure you stay on track and have a blast dancing your way to your health goals.


About Stacey Beaman

Stacey Beaman is the co-founder and COO of PlyoJam. She is also on the lead choreography team and teaches in Westlake Village, California. You can register for Stacey's classes through the free SweatNow app. You can also email her at wtih any questions. Her current schedule is: Tuesdays 7pm Saturdays 9am RockIt Dance Studio in Westlake Village